Latest blog addition; Painted WZ Imperial Ordnance officer. I was lucky enough to get this miniature from a fellow TMP member who kindly sold it too me and sent it to me all the way from the US. I stripped the paint down so I could paint it to keep in theme with my already painted Trenchers.
I have nearly bought all the miniatures I require for this project; having managed to pick up a rams air cavalry model from ebay last week. So just require one more rams air cav model and 4 Imperial trenchers regulars and all I need do is paint it all!
The picture was taken using my flash as the weather in the UK this last week has been some-what overcast so sadly the Green looks alot brighter than it is in the flesh.
Hope you enjoy the pic.
Hey mate, any other pics of this fig? Does he come with that gun on his back stock? Hit me with an email at: